What is SATS?

Syn Alia Training System (SATS) is an integrated training system, with Bridge and Target, Vocabulary, Perception Modification, Cycles, and more. People can communicate with animals with startling ease and without physical force or constraint. Best of all, SATS continues to evolve, empowering people with better and faster techniques for realizing their animal goals.

Be creative in your thinking. This is for ALL animals!

  • Stress-free bathing, clipping, worming, vaccinations, general examinations, etc. Dogs can learn to stack themselves and keep their attitude in conformation, to perfect a heel, to solidify a recall.

  • Dogs can learn directions, body parts and tricks. Horses can be taught directions, dressage maneuvers, reining maneuvers, etc.

  • Animals can be taught to pick up a specific foot, and know other body parts

  • The opportunities are only limited by our imagination.

This training is unique because of its use of an intermediate bridge which signals the subject that s/he is on the right track but has not completed the trial yet (like the clue “getting warmer”). This has profound results! We can support the animal in every learning exercise— convert failed trials to successes – and expand correct behavior in the face of challenges. The intermediate bridge is followed by the terminal bridge, signaling successful completion of the behavior.

Target – Teaching an animal to focus on a target helps it learn in a distraction-rich environment. In Bridge and Target training, the targeting is not related directly to food, but to being bridged. An animal that is focused on food is not necessarily open to learning. Animals learn to focus on targets as “markers” for their correct actions, rather than as places where food will appear. Targeting shows an animal exactly how to be successful. Trial and error is eliminated. Using a series of targets, we can define any motion or behavior. Targets can be used to describe even very specific, very complex behaviors, for virtually errorless learning.

SATS has brought us:
Heifers trained for estrus detection (to tell scientists if the girls wanted food or a 5 minute date with a bull); Litter trained horses, bears, wolves, otters, cheetahs, and numerous other animals aiding in their own health and vet care – taking injections, teeth inspection etc. Animals that understand concepts and words – allowing us to talk with animals.

About Kayce Cover, Founder of SATS
For over 30 years, Kayce (Kay-Cee Coe-ver) has been professionally involved in animal training and public education. In 1990, she founded Syn Alia Animal Training Systems which includes “Bridge and Target”.

Bachelor of Animal Science, Masters of Science in Education

Professional Background
Trained animals at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Mystic Marine life Aquarium, the US National Zoological Park—Smithsonian Institution. In addition to training many animal professionals and handlers/owners, she is a consultant to numerous zoos and private institutions, providing a range of services that include:

  • Implementing state-of-the-art training programs and husbandry/animal management systems for domestic and exotic animals;

  • Training and managing animal models/actors;

  • Research and behavioral engineering to develop animal-based solutions to human and animal needs (see Synalia website for additional articles and info regarding research past and present).

white and brown short coated dog lying on white sand during daytime

Want to know how SATS can help you and your animal?