Our Clients' Results
If your pet is experiencing serious behavioral or emotional problems and you think you’ve exhausted all of your options – WAIT! There is still hope. After a move to a new home two years ago, my 8-year old collie, Prince was having a difficult time accepting and adjusting to the move. His problems and behaviors were extreme and distressing and I just couldn’t figure out what to do to help him.
I belong to a Collie Club, and even the members who have been working with rescue dogs, who come from all kinds of backgrounds with all kinds of problems for twenty plus years didn’t know what else they could recommend. Then, two of them said "Call Manuela Hejna". They remembered her from a seminar they had attended. That call was the best call I ever made. With Manuela’s care, instruction, and various therapy methods, within several weeks, Prince was a different dog, and our relationship had reached a new level. I am so grateful for what Manuela was able to do for me and Prince.
Manuela has a gifted way of communicating with our four-legged friends, and provides you with a way to learn how to communicate with them too. Not only did Manuela help me with Prince, but she was also able to provide suggestions to help me communicate better with some of my cats. Make the call. And, you too, will experience the transformation that Manuela’s methods can make with your pet. You will be happier, and your pet will be happier. I’m glad I made the call and the effort to follow her suggestions. You will be too.
Prince the Collie

Terri G., Belleville, MI
Joe, an 80 lb. yellow lab, was 3 when we adopted him. It was quickly apparent that he thought he was the Alpha dog. He was stubborn and determined not to come when called. Manuela Hejna and the Tellington Method helped tremendously! She helped us with important basic obedience training, such as sit, stay, down, and come. Even more importantly, she worked with us to develop a bond with Joe; and to appreciate what a special dog he is, instead of wishing he was more like the dog we had recently lost.
I highly recommend Manuela; her gentle approach to dog training is very effective, even with a stubborn but lovable boy like Joe.
Joe, the Stubborn Lab!

Come see how we can help you.
Once Shasta was able to interact peacefully with other visitor dogs at Manuela's, we decided perhaps it was time to find a new dog for my mother. We bought a Spaniel puppy, Casper, and asked Manuela to keep both dogs for a week for socialization.
Shasta not only befriended Casper, she also learned to play. Another visitor dog at Manuela's home became fond of Shasta, and was determined to play with her. Manuela described how Shasta copied the play "bow" that the other dog showed her and made a few shy attempts to play. Pretty soon Shasta was running around with the other dog enjoying mutual play! Now Casper is living next door, and my mom is happy to have a dog of her own again. It's great that Shasta can be around other dogs - and we can finally take vacations!
Shasta, the German Shepherd

Shasta's Family
Shasta is our four year old German Shepherd. She came to us when she was one year old. Before then she had done part of a guard dog training program, and was fully obedience trained. Unfortunately she lost her obedience quickly due to her very restless energy temperament.
She is good with our two children, 7 and 9 years old, but showed aggressive behavior whenever she caught sight of another dog. She would bark furiously and bare her teeth.
A number of trainers worked with her but no one was able to even get her near another dog without Shasta reacting. My mother, who lived next door and shared yard space with us, had been without a dog for a few years because of concern about Shasta's aggression.
My holistic vet gave me Manuela's information and recommended giving her a call.
Manuela started to work with us and showed us a technique that would help Shasta to calm down and focus. She also took Shasta a few times to her home to work on socializing her with other dogs.
During Shasta's 4th visit Manuela was able to take her for a walk with Manuela's own three dogs.
From there on she made rapid improvements.

Shortly after arriving in the United States, I worked for a local Humane Society. The staff was skeptical about the TTouch Method, but one of the supervisors asked me to look at Lester, a grey tiger cat who lived under a chair in her office, and asked if I might try working with Lester's fear of humans.
The supervisor saved Lester from being euthanized because he seemed friendly enough to socialize. He would hide from people under his chair, which was covered with a blanket, and would hiss at everybody trying to approach him, but would never bite or scratch. Lester also acted as a caretaker for batches of tiny feral kittens, sleeping with them, and giving them baths. When once-a-week sessions at the shelter didn't really made a difference in Lester's behavior, I offered to take him home as a foster case.
Lester the Gray Tiger Cat

I set him up in a large cage in our bathroom, and wrapped him snuggly in an infant t-shirt. The shirt technique comes from the TTouch approach and works like swaddling a baby. It helps animals to feel secure and comforted. I gave him frequent TTouch sessions, and after a few days, let him out to wander the bathroom. Soon I found him bathing himself on the window sill - a good sign, but he would still try to hide when he saw me. I felt it was time to put the cage in the living room, so he could be safely in proximity to me. After 2 days I kept the t-shirt on, and leashed Lester in a harness to the couch for short periods of time, near a pad where my Border-Collie/Lab, Ivy liked to rest. Soon Lester was curling up to sleep with Ivy.
I continued to provide TTouch to Lester, but kept one of my hands on Ivy to build a bridge of understanding that humans where ok.
Gradually, over a few weeks, Lester started to relax in human presence, and was able to start wandering around the house. Within a few months, he turned into the most loveable cat ever.
When ever I came home he was there ready to be picked up and cuddled. Lester stayed with me for three years, being of a great foster dad to all kinds of kittens, cats and even puppies that I took in as foster cases, as well as a very loving companion to me. He unfortunately passed away due to kidney failure. I miss him a lot and still think often of him and his great skill to care for animals and humans.

Achieve true harmony with your dog, just like family.
I have a five year old Rottweiler who rules the house. She was the center of our attention. Then I had a baby. I assumed that she would adjust and they would become friends. I tried to initiate some communication between them, but whenever I brought my son near her, she would run in the other direction.
Despite this, she would indicate to me that my son was awake in his crib by walking past his room and putting her nose in the doorway. When visitors came to see the baby she would get between them as if to check them out first. I was happy she looked out for him but I wanted them to be buddies too.
One day, while I was out buying her dog food, I noticed a brochure from Manuela and the TTouch. I took it home and called her. Within a few treatments with Manuela, my dog started to open up to my son. Slowly she was allowing him to touch her.
Then the most amazing things started to happen. They started to play games!
Daisy the Rottweiler

My son started to bring her toys to her and a gentle game of "get the sock" would ensue. My son loves to give her lots of hugs and kisses. Guests really flip out when they see a little one year old with his arms wrapped around a big 100 pound Rottie. They are close buddies now and I am so thankful to Manuela for taking the time to spend with us. It has recreated harmony in our household.
I give my dog the TTouch several times during the week and I use it when she visits the vet.
I have a calm and confident dog once again, and a very happy little boy with a big dog for his best friend.

My name is Carrie. I have a dog named Copper and a cat named Todd. Some years ago my cat became aggressive and would stalk my dog and also our rabbit. Sometimes turning on them and hurting them. My vet recommended I give Todd valium to calm his temper. It did work for a while.
Then the aggression got worse.
It got to the point where we would have to lock Todd down the basement so that he would not hurt anyone while we weren't home. I hated to do this and Todd became angrier. Then I came across Manuela Hejna at a friends house working with her three corgis. I was so impressed how she handled the dogs and the gentle way she approached and talked to them. I had her come to my home to help Todd and Copper be friends again.
Todd and Copper

There were immediate results. They eagerly approach her when she arrives and even though her appointment is for an hour, she always stays longer to make sure they both receive enough attention. Manuela taught me what to do between her visits. She also gave me helpful ways to use such as wrapping and coconut oil and taught me how important it is for animals to have a natural diet.
Manuela has made our home harmonious once again. I can't thank her enough for the gentle Touch she has brought to my pets. I highly recommend anyone having pet behavior problems to call her.

Are you looking for a happier life with your animals? Wise Paws Dog Training can help
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Wise Paws Dog Training At-Home Force-Free DogTraining located in Phoenix, AZ 85024